Saturday, July 23, 2022

I thought it was love



You tell me it wasn’t

I ask, Please tell me

how to know

Is it something I’d see

in your eyes?

Feel when you’d wrapped

your coat around me,

shivering yourself

that day on Carson Beach

Or sense when you shared

your family memories

while we waded at Mattapoisett?

Do you really know

for sure,

it wasn’t?


©2021 Muriel Thumm

Saturday, July 16, 2022

Pandemic Attrition



Working remotely

The house-bound skeleton

Not eating much

Drinking too much

Dressing occasionally

Climbs the stairs

To log in to daily zoom

Jaw locked in perpetual grin


©2021 Muriel Thumm


  She was dying    She was always dying The newest and most original    ailments kept coming We took a bathos    in her pathos U...